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EMAC 2022 Annual

Acceptance of Augmented Reality in Interactive e-Shopping Apps

Published: May 24, 2022


Vincent FAVARIN, Toulouse School of Management Research - Université Toulouse 1 Capitole; Lars Meyer-Waarden, Toulouse School of Management Research -CNRS University Toulouse 1 Capitole; Julien Cloarec, iaelyon School of Management, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Magellan


Augmented reality (AR) technology improves the shopping experience (e.g., easier access to information and products, a gain of time, smart entertaining environments, etc.) by mixing real and simulated data. It is thus necessary for managers to understand consumers’ expectations toward AR, and their perceived benefits. This research contributes to the theory by developing a conceptual model based un UTAUT2 that explains the consumers’ acceptance process of AR on e-shopping platforms. We rely on two studies, a first exploratory one, in a bottom-up approach (N: 3,124) in order to add new concepts to our theoretical model: the UTAUT2. Then a second empirical study (N:330) allows us to confirm our results in a top-down approach. Our results highlight the importance of the hedonic dimension in the experience of using AR applications, and we highlight the role of aesthetic quality as an antecedent of behavioral intention to use.